One of the main program responsibilities of the Tennessee Water Resources Research Center is the transfer of information through professional training and education. TNWRRC currently offers the following training programs:
Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (TNEPSC) Training Program for Construction Sites— The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has adopted a general permit to aid in erosion prevention and sediment control at construction sites. TNWRRC offers the following classes: Level 1 Fundamentals, Level 1 Recertification, Level 2 Design Principles for Erosion Prevention Control for Construction Sites, and Level 2 Recertification.
Tennessee Stormwater Management Training Program—The Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) partners with the University of Tennessee to establish the Tennessee Stormwater Management Training program. The program offers multiple educational resources and training opportunities, including the preparation and implementation of stormwater pollution prevention plans for construction activities, and the design and management of stormwater runoff from developed areas.
Tennessee Hydrologic Determination Training—The Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) partners with the University of Tennessee to offer this course, designed to meet the requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 69-3-105, including establishing standard procedures for making stream and wet weather conveyance determinations that take into consideration biology, geology, geomorphology, precipitation, hydrology, and other scientifically based principles and a certification program for TDEC staff and other persons who wish to become certified hydrologic professionals.